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Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta, which is owned by the cooperatives of S Group, produces procurement, expert and support services for its members. They operate in supermarkets, tourism and hospitality trades all over Finland and have companies based in the Baltic countries as well as in St Petersburg.

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Customer video: Prisma Peremarket

Juri Ljaskin, Prisma’s VP of Supply Chain, sat down with RELEX’s Amanda Oren to talk about their journey with RELEX, the benefits of the partnership, and their plans to leverage AI.

Case study: Prisma Peremarket 

Following a successful deployment of the RELEX forecasting and replenishment solutions, Prisma Peremarket began exploring how RELEX could further automate and streamline tasks to enhance their store operational efficiency.

Grocery store

Case study: S Group

A leading Finnish retailer piloted RELEX’s AI-based main delivery day optimization functionality to take replenishment to the next level.