Führende Köpfe
Seitdem sie RELEX 2005 gründeten, haben die drei Logistikwissenschaftler Johanna Småros, Mikko Kärkkäinen und Michael Falck das Unternehmen zu einem dynamischen, modernen Umfeld gemacht, das mittlerweile Arbeitsplatz von mehr als 1.500 talentierten RELEXians ist.

Mikko Kärkkäinen
Co-founder & Group Chief Executive Officer
Johanna Småros
Co-founder, Chief Sustainability Officer
Michael Falck
Tommi Ylinen
Chief Product Officer
Tuomo Pesonen
Chief Operating Officer
Ville Hämäläinen
Chief Technology Officer
Frank Lord
Chief Revenue Officer
Johan Haataja
Chief Financial Officer
Stefano Scandelli
GM Manufacturing & SVP Retail EMEA & APAC
Carlos Victoria
SVP Sales, Latin America
Keith Adams
SVP Sales, North America
Tiia Rapeli
Chief People Officer
Mette Krogh
Chief Marketing Officer
Madhav Durbha
Gruppe Vice President, Verbrauchsgüter & Fertigung
Ron Fleischer
SVP Operations, Americas
Anni Tuulos
SVP, Strategy and Corporate DevelopmentBoard of Directors

Bob Burke
Chairman of the Board, Venture Partner at TCV
Mikko Kärkkäinen
Co-founder & Group Chief Executive Officer
Johanna Småros
Co-founder, Chief Sustainability Officer
Michael Falck
John Doran
Member of the Board, General Partner at TCV
Muz Ashraf
General Partner at TCV