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Rautakesko Gains Concrete Results from Improved Replenishment

Sep 11, 2009 1 min

Rautakesko and RELEX initiated an extensive cooperation at the end of 2008, starting with the restructuring of Rautakesko’s wholesale replenishment in Finland. The implementation of the RELEX Processor replenishment solution has already in six months resulted in tangible results. The replenishment ordering that used to be fragmented according to product areas is now centralised to one competent team.

Replenishment ordering is more systematic and the level of automation has increased significantly. Purchasing now requires less personnel. The inventory value has decreased clearly, and availability has remained at a good level.

The cooperation with RELEX has received positive feedback. Olli Salmivaara, logistics director at Rautakesko, states that the restructuring of replenishment is not a mere system project, but rather an overall development of business operations. ”RELEX has delivered exemplary results on both fronts: the solution has functioned well and we have had continuous discussions and communications with RELEX’s experts in order to further improve our operations,” Olli Salmivaara says.

The next phase of Rautakesko’s and RELEX’s joint development project focuses on the replenishment process of the retail sector of Rautakesko’s operations in Finland. As a whole, the restructuring project is extensive and covers operations in several countries. The project is planned to continue until 2011.

Read more about Rautakesko’s project and results: Case Rautakesko