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Corporate Responsibility

Last updated on August 28, 2024

Code of Conduct and Business Ethics

RELEX strives to ethical and legal conduct in all business. We have adopted a Code of Conduct and Business Ethics that promotes legal and ethical practices at RELEX. It covers topics such as compliance with laws, diversity and equality, human rights and workplace safety. All our employees and directors globally are required to comply with it.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption

RELEX is committed to fair and honest business practices. RELEX competes with its quality products and customer experience, not by unfair or illegal acts. We strictly prohibit all forms of bribery. We have adopted Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy that all our employees and directors globally are required to comply with. It explains in more detail what kinds of entertainment and gifts are acceptable to give and receive at RELEX.

Environmental Policy

RELEX is a carbon neutral company, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our sustainability practices. The Environmental Policy has been created in effort to minimize our negative environmental impacts. It is divided into our major emission categories and lists the actions and guidelines that we as a company and individuals are undertaking to minimize these emissions.

Whistleblowing – Anonymous Reporting Channel

RELEX is committed to legal and ethical conduct and promotes integrity, corporate responsibility, and fair practices. If you have any concerns about the legality and ethics of conduct at RELEX, we want to know about it in order to investigate and perform appropriate corrective measures.

You can inform RELEX of any concerns of violations of laws and ethics via RELEX’s whistleblowing channel. RELEX’s whistleblowing channel is provided by WhistleB and you can leave your report anonymously through the online form provided or optionally leave your contact information if you so choose.

All employees, partners, and others who may become aware of suspected violations at RELEX in the course of their work can use the whistleblowing channel to voice their concerns.

You can read more about RELEX’s whistleblowing practices from RELEX’s whistleblowing policy.

Start by clicking here to report your concern.