RELEX workload forecasting explained

In this video, we’ll show how our approach to workload forecasting lays the foundation for accurate labor planning, helping to drive down costs while raising service levels.

RELEX Fresh grocery explainer

If you're relying on manual processes and disconnected systems, you're leaving your store teams frustrated and fighting spoilage, gaps on shelves, and waste every day.

The RELEX product roadmap

In this video, our expert Josh Mann gives a view into the RELEX product offering and explains how we help retailers plan better, sell more, and waste less.

Retailers must centralize their data to thrive

It is more important than ever that retailers collect data from all channels and use it to manage the flow of goods through the supply chain to the point of customer interaction.

Breaking down functional silos

By now, everyone knows that “Silos” is the new bad word in business as it creates critical weaknesses. Find out how to break out from silos to empower greater transparency, collaboration, and information sharing.

A pragmatic guide to AI & machine learning

Our expert Josh Mann explains what machine learning is, what kind of challenges it solves, and why many leading retailers are starting their transition toward machine learning-based demand forecasting.

Introducing RELEX Labs

Welcome to RELEX Labs, our research engine at the core of our company working closely with our customers to develop the future of retail optimization.

How to benefit from AI in retail optimization

Accurate, AI-driven forecasts can be leveraged to drive exponential benefits throughout retail operations, for example through workforce, replenishment or markdown optimization.

Pragmatic AI for better retail decisions

With AI hype going on, many forget that AI doesn't matter, but the results do. We now use pragmatic AI when describing how we use data for better decisions.

Decision science and pragmatic AI in retail

Most retailers are rich in data, but access to data does not automatically enable retailers to make better decisions faster. This is where decision science steps in.

Future-proof your technology strategy

Retailers are no longer interested in major system replacements. Instead, there's a trend toward implementing in parts rather than as a whole.